Dr Michael Breus - AKA Dr Oz sleep doctor - shares some tips and tricks that are going to be extremely helpful for getting you immediate, actionable sleep results to add to your own body and life, no matter how bad you are sleeping right now!
When you woke up this morning how did you feel? Did you feel fully rested, totally energized and eager to take on your day? Or did you feel like you didn't get a good night's sleep? Did you wake up tired and wanting to go back to sleep?
If so, you need a sleep doctor and the one you want is Dr Michael Breus. Best selling author, guest on many TV shows including over 40 times on The Dr Oz show alone. In this interview you will learn about your sleep, your lack of sleep and how you can get even better sleep. There were so many great ideas that Dr Breus shared here are just 3 of them:
#1-Knowing your sleeping style will be so helpful for you. Should you be getting up early? Or should you be staying up late to do the important things that you have to do in your life? There's a simple test that is available for you to identify what your sleeping cycle is. Are you a LION that gets up early or are you a WOLF that stays up late, but what if you're neither and you find out you're a BEAR or a DOLPHIN. Each one of those is a completely different sleep cycle and therefore a different productivity cycle, you'll know which one you are, listening to Dr Breus.
#2-Get a blood test to check your levels of vitamin D and magnesium. This part was so impactful especially when you heard that 90% of covid deaths were with patients that had a deficiency of vitamin D. Plus you learned how magnesium can help you and what brand you should use. Combine that with his recipe on a banana drink that was so simple you could do it right now cut a whole banana and a half boil it in water drink the water and you're loaded with melatonin practical doable ideas.
#3-Now the big one! Your five step plan for you to sleep even better:
A-get up at the same time every day
B-don't have any caffeine after 2:00 in the afternoon
C-after you drink alcohol drink water as well and don't take any liquids 3 hours before you go to bed
D-exercise daily but not 4 hours before bedtime
E-every morning take five deep breaths, drink a glass of room temperature water and get 15 minutes of sunlight and walk on the Earth with no shoes or socks.
Listen to this podcast again just before you go to bed! When you re-listen, pay attention to how effective Dr Breus's presentation of his ideas was. Here are 3 specific things he did extremely well that you can use when you're speaking or communicating in almost any situation:
#1-Show Your enthusiasm, passion and devotion to the ideas you're sharing with others. Look how effective it was listening how Dr Breus was so enthusiastic and joyful in sharing his wisdom with you. That's something worth emulating when you're speaking.
#2-Having a conversation with your audience as opposed to "SPEECHING" at them. That's exactly what you heard in this podcast, it was like he was talking to you, sitting in your living room, sharing ideas about your sleep needs. And how he kept talking to you and using your name and on the podcast, your name is"YOU".
#3-One of the most important things about this message was how clearly he gave you the PROBLEM. Described the PROBLEM made it crystal clear what the PROBLEM was and what the effects of that PROBLEM were causing you. Then how skillfully and clearly he provided you with the SOLUTION, he told you what to do. He told you why to do it. Plus, what your results were going to be. Think about that process when you're describing a problem that you solve. EMPHASIZE THE SOLUTION!
Is it time for you to stop this podcast and have sex with your partner? You heard exactly when to do it on this podcast, so get busy, when the time is right.
Then you will MAKE it a great day!
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