As we age, keeping hold of mental sharpness, memory & alertness is vital.
Afterall, it’s our cognition that allows us to do what we want (when we want) without limitation. However many people make a serious mistake when it comes to protecting brain function & overall health.I’m sure you’ve read or heard comments similar to the following…
“How did she get diagnosed with cancer, she looked so healthy!” “
He had a sudden heart attack but felt great the week before!
”You see, we often think how we look (and feel) reflects the true underlying state of our health.However people don’t feel cancer growing until they find a lump...And people don’t feel plaques building on their brains when they begin developing Alzheimer’s.
This approach to health involves being proactive (not reactive) so you can stop, slow & even reverse leading causes of health & cognitive decline.
The sooner you get this (really get this)... the sooner you’ll experience astounding changes such as clarity of mind & reduced risk of disease.
So, in a nutshell, here’s what was discussed on the show:
The 3 most important areas to focus on for optimizing brain health & reducing risk of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s & other diseases.
✅ How to stop early cognitive declineHow to prevent & reverse inflammation (vital to know if you have a propensity for Alzheimer's in your family)
✅ Why excess inflammation turns on WHATEVER your genetic predisposition is & what to do about it
✅ What causes the 2 types of inflammation & the best anti-inflammatory foods and supplements available to you today
✅ How to maintain brain size so you don’t have shrinkageDr. Gala’s wonder-working habits for keeping your brain fresh & alert (all backed by science & research)
✅ What to do to reduce your risk of catching a common cold by 420% & what this means for cognition
✅ Which cooking oils & fats are straight-up “poison for your brain.”Are prebiotics & probiotics good for gut health? If so, how often should you consume them?
✅ Plus so much more!
My friend, Dr. Gala has 4 functional medicine clinics & oversee’s around 50,000 patient visits per year.
He works to reverse & prevent the nasty neurodegenerative diseases we all hear about… Ideally, without medication.
Much love ❤️ Robbie
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