Gustavo Dantas - If you are looking for a big opportunity accept a big challenge!
Joel Weldon - Don't compete - Create!
Robbie Stahl - Extreme Results takes extreme measures!
Imagine you're suddenly transported to some far away country where you don't speak the language and you only know one person and you have a very little money.
How would you handle that situation? What would you be able to achieve? You will learn how Gustavo Dantas who did exactly that same thing when he arrived in the United States at age 24 from Brazil with $2700 and two bags.Now just 20 years later he has become the owner of a very successful jiu jitsu studio.
He's become a world champion in jiu jitsu he's become an author, a podcaster, an online marketer and puts on six jiu jitsu competitions a year that attract between 4500 and 5,000 competitors and attendees.
He's a husband, a father and one ultimate human you heard in this episode it all began with one simple mindset if you're looking for a big opportunity except a big challenge. Those are your marching orders and here are three things you can do to make amazing things happen in your life so you can overcome the odds and still be a champion
#1- ASK FOR HELP. When you're doing something you don't know much about, find somebody who does know about that. Get a guide at your side. Find a mentor. Hire a coach. Know what you know and know what you don't know and would you don't know find a guide
#2-GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. To achieve more than you have achieved so far you have to do something different. Don't limit yourself, stretch yourself, push yourself and know there is an answer to every challenge you face. Your job is to find that answer and not give up.
#3-FOCUS ON THE JOURNEY NOT THE focus on the process that it's going to take to get you to where you want to go. While you're focusing on this process enjoy the experience. You can be happy everyday as long as you're moving in the direction of your own choosing.
These powerful suggestions by Gustavo will guide you in the future to help you overcome any of the odds stacked against you so that you can become a champion and become the ultimate you.
Gustavo shared these in such a powerful and clear way. Here are some of the things he did that you can use when you're expressing yourself and sharing your wisdom, your ideas and your experiences.
#1-BE YOU! Both Robbie and I have known Gustavo for many years. He's been a friend, a coach and a student device. The one thing that makes his speaking style so effective is he's himself. He's not putting on an act. And that's what you should do, be you, it's so much easier being you and requires no effort.
#2-BE HUMBLE. Humility is a wonderful quality to possess as a speaker. Gustavo expresses this so beautifully. He doesn't brag about himself, of how he was able to achieve what he's achieved Robbie and I did the bragging he just did the explaining
#3-TELL STORIES. You've heard the expression one picture is worth a thousand words. One story is worth a thousand pictures. Gustavo told you so many stories. Your stories can hold your audience's attention and can make the complicated clear in the confusing simple. That's what you need to do, tell even more stories. And make sure you make the point of the story very clear.
Yes, you have challenges, yes you have obstacles, yet in spite of those challenges and obstacles, you can become a champion and you can become the Ultimate You use these ideas and go out and MAKE it a great day!
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