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Does Size Matter? Yes! Interview with Dr Trent Nessler
Does Size Matter? Yes! Interview with Dr Trent Nessler
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Dr Trent Nessler shares some tips and tricks that are going to be extremely helpful for getting you immediate, actionable fitness results to add to your own body and life, no matter how fit or unfit you are right now!

Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Dr Trent Nessler and Robbie Stahl in this episode:


  • 1% dehydration results in a 10% decrease in performance. Wait – What??
  • Being Over 50 does not equal lack of strength. You can be stronger at 50 than you were in your 20s
  • Want to  to avoid overtraining? Here’s what you need to know…
  • The RIGHT WAY to heal from injuries
  • Does Size Matter? Yes! Blood flow restriction is the way to achieve it

Imagine as you are getting older, you're getting even stronger, By older I mean 40, 50 years and beyond? How would that make you feel? Also because you're into fitness, health and wellness your children mirror your activities.

They stay physically active, they eat the right foods and as a result you have created OFFSPRING FITNESS.

That's exactly what Dr Trent Nessler has done in his life and in the lives of so many of the clients he has helped.

With a master's degree and a doctorate in physical therapy,  combined with his lifelong commitment to fitness he is living proof at 52 what you can be doing with your fitness level. Can you do three sets of 10 bench presses reps at 315 pounds?

You might, if you follow some of Dr Trent's suggestions. Here are just three great suggestions that you heard in this podcast. Remember it's not knowing, it's doing that counts.

#1-If your urine is yellow you're not getting enough water. The clearer your urine is the better you are hydrated. You heard that a 1% drop in your hydration level produces a 10% decrease in your performance level. Plus Dr Trent told you 80% of adults are dehydrated. Want to be healthier, fitter and even stronger--- drink even more water. Start today NOW!

#2-Elephants don't bite!  It's the gnats, mosquitoes and the bees that do. In other words it's the little things that get you or that go wrong that cause you big problems. The flip side of that is, the little things you do right can bring you huge results.That's my analogy not Dr Trent's. He said it this way--- small changes over time, produce big results. Small changes in your habits produce big-time results in your life. Keeps striving for those little improvements.

#3- Change the way you think of food. Think of it as your choice.  You have CHOSEN to eat great healthy food most of the time. By focusing on the benefits of healthy eating, you will start to get less enjoyment out of the crappy foods. When you eat right you feel emotionally and physically great and will have no interest in eating crap. Start with small changes in your food choice. Remember OFFSPRING FITNESS, you'll pass healthy eating on to your children.

Dr Trent gave you lots of great practical and usable ideas in this podcast plus look how effective he was at communicating those ideas to you. Here are a couple of speaking tips based on what you just experienced in this podcast with Dr Trent Nessler.

#1-The immediate first impression you formed of Dr Trent was most likely positive, I'm almost sure of that. Why? Because when Robbie got his age wrong, instead of interrupting, getting annoyed or  looking awkward,  he just put a big smile on his face and held up two fingers. And giggled. What is your first impression like when somebody hears you say something or is sizing you up ? A smile is the best way you can start almost any kind of presentation.

#2-What you see is what you get. That's a wonderful quality called authenticity. It's being congruent. It's being who you are all the time. Speaking effectively is not a performance, it's not acting, it's being you. That was so obvious in watching Dr Trent's conversation with Robbie he was speaking to Robbie, but he was talking to you and hopefully you felt that connection and that sincerity and inner conviction about the power of what he's learned and how it can help you. That's the mindset and bearing you need to bring every time you open your mouth to speak about what you're an expert in.

#3-Admitting you're not perfect. How many times have you heard a speaker come across like ,they never make a mistake. They never do anything wrong. You know that's not the case, we are all human and mistakes are part of being a human being. So how did he bring that out? He told you that occasionally he does eat crap on a free day. That he has a tendency sometimes to overtrain and needs to control that. That's being honest and forthcoming with your listener. You do that the next time you speak and watch how your credibility sores with those you're trying to connect with and influence with your words of wisdom.

Now go out drink even more water,  smile, giggle and be you. Then you will MAKE it a great day!


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Episode Transcript

John Carter
Tech Vlogger & YouTuber

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